Wednesday, February 26, 2020

How The Patient Care Has Influenced Career Essay

How The Patient Care Has Influenced Career - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that whereas it can be beneficial to read a great deal of information concerning the healthcare profession and understand the palliative care that can be given with respect to a great range of health issues, nothing within a textbook or a laboratory manual can prepare an individual for the psychological and sociological implications that hands-on experience can provide. Most importantly, with regards to the ability to enhance a desire to further healthcare education, the experience in question was instrumental in helping me to appreciate the nuanced level of approach that the healthcare professional must be responsible for integrating in order to affect a positive resolution within the living patient. Further, even though the first section of this analysis has been concentric on the degree and extent to which no level of memorize Asian or classroom participation can prepare a student for direct patient care, it was also noted, during the expe rience, that a great depth of knowledge was yet to be attained with regards to ameliorating the issues that patients might have, an understanding of complex city of biological issues that might be evidenced. Of all of the factors that have thus far been discussed, it is the impact upon my desire to further my education within the field that is perhaps the most profound. Had it not been for the direct patient care and hands-on experience that was derived during this period of time, it is doubtful that I would have been further drawn to participating in additional education within the healthcare field. This is not due to the fact that I find the healthcare profession in and of itself unappealing. Rather, I would merely not had been presented with the full nuance of the health care profession as it exists for the actual practitioner. As a result of this experience, it is my firm belief that each and every individual, regardless of their career path, should have at least some modicum of hands-on experience so they will at the very least have an expectation for what they might come to experience each and every day of a professional career within such a field of study. Similarly, with regards to what I believe could be an important contribution to my engagement in the nursing profession, this must be understood in something of relative terms. Firstly, nursing, although within the medical profession, is a direct patient interaction that takes place on many different levels. As such, the importance of empathy, relationships, and interaction is of the utmost importance. One does not need to take an exhaustive course in psychology to understand that a great many different types of personalities exist. As such, it is not only important to consider the range of personalities that exist but also the range of cultures, religions, and worldviews that are likely to be presented to an individual but is interested in integrating with such a profession in the future. As such, on e of the unique talents and abilities that I have oftentimes been congratulated upon within my own life is the ability to engage individuals from a diverse background and provide them with a sense of security and belonging with regards to whatever needs they might have. Naturally, I expect this particular talent to be utilized within the medical profession. Moreover, I also expected to be honed and polished so that the needs of a diverse patient mixture will be able to be met within my work. Finally, identifying with individuals and getting along with them is not in and of itself the only talent or requirement that must be utilized in order to affect a positive level of patient care.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Reaserched, documented position paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reaserched, documented position paper - Essay Example It has many properties and benefits, which many seek to undermine on the path to legalization. In this paper some history and chemistry of the plant will be identified, as well as the many arguments for and against, of which some will be covered herein. In keeping with these arguments, California’s Proposition 19 for the legalization of marijuana will be covered. Already, it is legal in many states for use as a therapy drug for pain, but this paper will seek to prove that marijuana should be legalized for use of the general public, as the overall effects of this plant are very similar to an already legal drug: alcohol. Alcohol is legal on all 50 states to consume, has very similar mind-altering effects, yet marijuana is still an illegal substance. Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for approximately 5000 years. Where it came from is unclear, but it is hypothesized that it came from Central Asia. It is suggested that the Asiatic nomads dispersed the plant throughout Asia in their travels, and Herodotus, the Greek historian, once said that the â€Å"Scythian passion was inhaling the smoke of burning hemp plants.† it was later discovered that hemp fiber was being used by the Scythians as well for clothing. However, these nomads migrated out of central Asia after 1700 B. C. use of the drug remained primarily for intoxication throughout the Mediterranean region, Asia, Egypt and the rest of Africa. An ancient physician in the Mediterranean area noted which parts of the plant could be used for rope, clothing and pain relief. In ancient China, it was used for gout, rheumatism, malaria and absent-mindedness. He also noted that other parts were best for muscular problems. In India, the plant was used to make a drink for the heroes of the day before they executed so-called great feats of heroics. The chemistry of marijuana was a mystery until 1942, when H. J. Wollner was able to isolate and identify the naturally occurring substance, tetrahydroca nnabinol (THC). This substance has been found to be useful medically in many different venues. One of the first was the use of marijuana to stifle symptoms of nausea in chemotherapy patients. It also gives them a psychological benefit, providing them some sense of control over their body while suffering from cancer. Marijuana has been found to increase a person’s appetite, which can be very beneficial to someone suffering from AIDS, cancer or other illness that reduces appetite. In studies of medical marijuana use in glaucoma sufferers, the results have been mixed. Although its medicinal use for eye damage in somewhat substantial, but the toxic effects from such a high dose were more risky than glaucoma itself. From use as an analgesic, antispasmodic, a treatment for epilepsy and glaucoma to possibly its most well known medical uses, for multiple sclerosis and an anti-nausea drug in chemotherapy patients. On November 2, 2010, California proposed the Marijuana Legalization Ini tiative, simply called Proposition 19. This bill was for allowing the legalization of marijuana in the state of California, giving local governments the power to regulate, tax and impose varying criminal and/or civil penalties, as they deemed appropriate. This bill ultimately fell under similar current laws regarding alcohol. A person must be 21 or older, people could not possess it on school grounds, use it in public, or provide it