Thursday, January 30, 2020

What is Holocaust Revisionism Essay Example for Free

What is Holocaust Revisionism Essay The term â€Å"holocaust denier† is applied to those who prefer the terms â€Å"revisionism† or â€Å"revisionist. † Holocaust historians avoid using it to describe themselves and revise the aspects of the Holocaust. Holocaust historians in the revisionism belief that in Germany there was a breakout of typhus carried by lice and other diseases that spread throughout the camps and by having to treat camps with pesticide zyklon was the main reason there were causes of death. In that theory, it hadn’t anything to do with the extermination of the Jews nor was there even camps but were all evacuated or shut down which there wasn’t any evidence found. During the war the Jews were moved to Eastern Europe and were allegedly exterminated and not in Germany or Western Europe. Around 1940, the Germans were only one of the several involved in moving and the Soviets deported Jews out of Poland and entered to occupied West Germany. A Holocaust Revisionism Historian would have you believe there was no significant evidence of extermination. The claim of the legend is that there were no technical means provided for the specific task of extermination, and that means originally provided for the specific task of extermination, and that mean originally provided for other purposes did double duty in improvised arrangements† (The Journal of Historical Review, 2pp). Holocaust deniers ignore the evidence and insist that it was a myth. That it is because â€Å"Jews spread this myth as part of a grander plot intended to enable the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and now to gander continuing support for the state of Israel† (Lipstadt, pg. 27). Holocaust Historian Revisionism argues that evidence showed no proof of Hitler having signed a document ordering the Holocaust, documents were forged and language in the documents were completely misrepresented. Holocaust deniers make out uncertainty of exact number of deaths. They like to point out what is called the â€Å"other side of the issue† and make debate of an illegitimate historical fact. In the United States where it ensures freedom of speech and that it’s not against the law to make denial of the Holocaust, however countries such as Germany and France criminalize the denial of the Holocaust and have banned any Nazi publications. The assertions of Holocaust deniers play no role in genuine historical debates. Holocaust denial is really about anti-Semitism and irrational politics, not history or justice† (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2007). 2. A complete anti-Semitism statement made from writer Dan Gannon in an article published in 1994 entitled â€Å"Schindler’s List Exposed as Lies and Hate† which he makes a comment about the movie. â€Å"Commander Goeth shooting inmates from the front balcony of his house were complete fabrications and deliberate lies† (Gannon, 1994). In Gannon’s opinion the movie itself is fabricated for example, the camp is rebuilt and is surrounded on a steep hill and not visible where any outsiders can see any inmates. Commander Goeth is shooting working inmates in the camp. Therefore, the camp being visible through wire fences, commander Goeth couldn’t have shot inmates from the balcony as the house is at the bottom of a hill where you can’t see into the inmate’s camp. The camp’s location was next to a city called Cracow on a major highway and is visible from hundreds of houses in 3 surrounding villages. Most exchanges and conversations, and all events are based on the detailed recollections of Schindler Jews or Schindler himself and of other witnesses† (Keneally, 1982). Historical methods are facts that events can be proven by using evidence. The facts lead to analysis and interpretation. Revisionism is nothing more than an act of â€Å"revising† something that already exist or mostly applied to historical events. Revisionists investigate, analyze, and revise their conclusions based on facts or revise the facts based on their conclusion. They in other words, defend a conclusion whether or not the facts support it. Revisionists argue that the entire holocaust was a conspiracy theory because survivors lied, evidence by the Nazi’s was falsified, photographs and films were fraudulent. Revisionist stand on, if any survivor evidence can be shown to be wrong it should be dismissed. â€Å"History is the recorded narrative of past events, especially those concerning a particular period, nation, individual, etc. It recounts events with careful attention to their importance, their mutual relations, their causes and consequences, selecting and grouping events on the ground of their interest or importance† (Funk Wagnall, p. 599). Anti-Semitism criticizes Jews as a group and culture or hatred for the Jews as people. â€Å"Anti-Semites, however, progress over that critical step beyond dislike to pathology, hating Jews for being Jews† (Volknian, Watts, pg. 10). When the term â€Å"anti-Semitism† is casually used to silence those who are critical of the government of Israel and its policies. The revising of the Second World War is a work in progress by Russian and Germany or known as the Russo-Germany conspiracy that wants the world to know that the Holocaust is propaganda. However, Red Army propagandist blamed the German army for crimes committed by the Soviets. The murders of six million Jews have become a subject of topic from the Revisionist, modern revisionism dates back from the First World War during this time where every globe was affected. Allied propaganda phased in where its mastery showed the images of horrifying atrocities. The majority of the atrocities accredited to the Germans and their allies were admitted by the politicians and journalists who fabricated them to have been falsifies. Within a decade Western and European countries proclaimed that Germany and its allies did not bear guilt on starting the war. In the 1940’s, Jews and communist condemned and spoke out against the unconceivable crimes the Germans had done. The extermination of millions of Jews in the camps were reported that victims were steamed, baked, electrocuted, gassed, eaten away by quicklime, starved, shot, buried alive, mauled by wild beasts, subjected to sadistic experiments, and injected with lethal chemicals or germs. What made prove of the Holocaust war crime were the Nuremberg trials during the 1950’s, in the trial where ex-Nazi war criminals admitted they had plan to exterminate the Jews. Repeated statements and speeches testified the planning to kill the Jews as an answer to annihilate all Jews by Nazi control. The six million figure estimate the number of Jews murdered, some evidence based on the estimates on demographics or any records. The approximate estimate 4. 8 to 6 million. The known trial in history where German war criminals were tried by judges from Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States. Twenty-two German officers were tried for conspiracy, crimes against peace, and crimes against humanity. It was best suggested that Nazi war criminals convict themselves by their own words. When the Nazi’s had destroyed almost all historical records, allied armies captured millions of documents and submitted 3,000 tons. Records of proud Nazi documentations of the invasion of World War II and graphic images of humiliation against Jews and other civilians and mass murder. The photographs represented powerful unforgettable visual evidence and which also included the â€Å"Stroop Report† an appendix of albums of photographs that documented the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto in 1943. Stroop’s forces captured 55,000 Jews and killed at least 7,000 and sent 7,000 to the Treblinka killing center. A number of these images were transmitted to American news agencies and in other countries, where it helped to inform the world of the horrors of Nazism. â€Å"It is this convergence of evidence, along with the documentary, scientific and photographic evidence, that is the most damming to the â€Å"revisionist† position† (The Holocaust History Project, 2006). Camps such as Treblinka, Belzec, Sobinor and Chelmno were indeed death camps for the purpose to murder Jews. Only about 7 Jews survived the Belzec extermination camp and 550, 000 were killed as it was also Himmler’s plan of action. There was â€Å"selection† process of which Jews would be murdered and which would work and then be murdered. SS doctors would inspect Jewish inmates as to where they’ll be able to work. 4. Zyklon B was the help of the extermination, although used to exterminate pests but preferably to exterminate Jews. The evidence that proved the death camps were Nazi documents, photographs, and statements that were given by survivors and Nazi officials. The bodies at the death camps were cremated, burned on open pits or buried, depending on the camp and what of the situation. A good testimony forms evidence. Auschwitz camp commander Rudolf Hoess made testimony to what he witnessed during his capture by the British. Allies received information from several Jewish escapees. Forensic examinations prove large areas of ashes, body parts and remains. Chief Waffen-SS Kurt Gerstein recollected the gassings at Treblinka and saw 10,000 Jews gassed in two days. Revisionist, however claim there was no such evidence of murders at Belzec and Treblinka. They therefore claim that either the figures are wrong, or the Holocaust, meaning the deliberate extermination of millions of Jews, cannot have happened† (World Almanac, pg. 289). Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel and survivor of the Holocaust has also been the founding Chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council since the 1980’s, a tribute to Holocaust survivors. A professor at Boston University for much of his life has worked on behalf of oppressed people and defender of peace and human rights all over the world. Wiesel has been attacked on his views of what he witnessed in Holocaust camps as â€Å"holocaust deniers† claim that Wiesel and the Jewish Organization would assisnate those who tell the truth about the holocaust hoax and that their lies would be exposed. Wiesel is considered by â€Å"holocaust deniers† as a false witness who has told propaganda lies. Wiesel describes what he witnessed at Auschwitz of burning flames in a ditch were victims bodies were found. In Buchenwald, 10,000 persons were sent to their deaths each day. â€Å"Ellie Wiesel passes for one of the most celebrated eyewitnesses to the alleged Holocaust. Yet in his supposedly autobiographical book Night, he makes no mention of gas chambers. He claims to have witnessed Jews being burned alive, a story dismissed by all historians. Wiesel gives credence to the most absurd stories of other eyewitnesses. He spreads fantastic tales of 10,000 persons sent to their deaths each day in Buchenwald† (Faurisson, 2005). In Night, Wiesel describes his experiences and emotions of the oppression of the Nazis and the roundups of his family and neighbors in the Romanian town of Sighet where people were deported in cattle cars to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Between 1940 – 1945, Wiesel and his family were deported by the Nazis to Auswitz when he was age 15. His mother and younger sister were the first to vanish without a trace, he, his two older sisters, and father were transported to Buchenwald where his father died. Wiesel talks about the mental and physical anguish that he and his fellow prisoners experienced and the death march from Auswitz Birkenaw to the concentration camp at Buchenwald. In 1958, he wrote the book Night which has been translated in 30 languages and sold millions of copies. 5. Auschwitz has come to symbolize the greatest crime in human history† (Rudolf, Pg. 3). Yet the greatest and bloodiest genocide in which tens of millions were murdered or imprisoned. As the Russo-Germany preparation began in the 1920’s have unleashed genocide and annihilated Eastern Europeans from the 1930’s and into the 1940’s. Germany did not act alone in the Second World War as they jointed with the Soviets to invade Poland in 1939. Two countries that were neutral in history. The Holocaust has been an endless subject amongst philosophers, theologians, litterateurs, and historians. To dig up and investigate in more than half a century annihilation of millions of Jews by the Third Reich. Germans believe that the mass murders were carried out by the Soviets. Forensic research is what Revisionist called the search for material evidence in demand for such evidence is more decisive than eyewitness testimony or documentary evidence. Conspirators make the accusations of hundreds of Nazis were tortured into confessing crimes they never committed or to put the blame on other fellow Nazis and to implicate hundreds of documents in files that were never found until after the war. A number of Jewish scholars who admit that the evidence is in itself underprovided. The question remains of the photographs that were taken of dozens of piled emaciated bodies that a denier would claim that the photo does not tell the truth of what it actually shows but questions were the people gassed or starved? Did they face the typhus epidemic or starved due to a lack of food? Indeed, the victims were of German women and children killed by bombing raids and the pictures were passed off as dead Jews. Evidence that supports this that Allied soldiers collected the bodies of Germans and brought them to be photographed. At camp Belsen, Nazis did not make it a policy to feed prisoners. Other questions remains, could the Vatican have known about the executions of millions of Jews? Some evidence claims the Vatican would have been in position to know and would have done something about it. Although, some sources says the Nazis hatred for the Catholic church had executed many clergymen in Poland and other establishments. Revisions evidence would suggest that the amount of six million bodies would provide tons upon tons of ashes and there is no evidence of any large depositories of ashes. However, some sources would disagree that the bodies were incinerated and some were burned in mass graves and had been exhumed. The ashes had been dumped in fields and rivers, and surprisingly the means to be used as good fertilizer by Auschwitz farmers in their fields. Some sources range that there were about 300,000 to 500,000 or more than 3,000,000. In Auschwitz the proximity is 1. 3 million victims and in Treblinka about 800,000 victims. â€Å"The only evidence is the postwar testimony of individual â€Å"saviors. † This testimony is contradictory, and no â€Å"survivor† claims to have actually witnessed any gassing. There is no contemporaneous documents and no hard evidence whatsoever: no means of ashes, no crematoria capable of disposing of millions of corpses, no pile of clothes, no human soap, no lamp shades made of human skin, no records, no credible demographic statistics† (Zundel, pg. 7). 6. Revisionists fail to investigate the mass murders of the Holocaust, which they only could rely on substantial forensic evidence of past crimes and if they don’t consider the research for what really took place in Auschwitz then how could there be a realistic conclusion if they simply hold it up as a myth.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Subliminal Advertising :: essays research papers

Throughout mass media there are illegal messages that still appear, such images are also known as Subliminal Advertising. Though illegal, such incidences can never be tried nor taken to a court of law. It is highly impossible and unlikely to notice these messages. However, they are triggered by the subconscience and send neural messages to your brain that you are unaware of, thus making it hard to notice when you are seeing these things. They are illegal because it was believed in earlier incidences that cigarette ads were sending similar messages telling the youths of America to smoke. I have witnessed similar messages called â€Å"Threshold Messages†, these are images that are digitally re-mastered so that you don’t notice what you are seeing but the neural pathways in the human brain hone in on and receive these messages. If you look very carefully at most Liqueur ads you will notice that the nude upper body of a woman is thrown into the ice in a wine ad, or there is the word â€Å"sex† etched into the eyes of a female in a herbal essence ad. However even such images are even unseen to the naked human eye. Unless your light threshold is low, you will not be able to encounter these images, but if you do have a low threshold for light, all you simply need are a little time, patience, and energy. As I was browsing through a Skateboarding Magazine, I had noticed an ad that was a â€Å"Absolute Vodka† ad, I looked all over the add for about an hour, finally I had seen a picture of a skull and crossbones in the ice that was in the glass. Though these images did not appeal to me, think about how they might appear to you average alcoholic or lush. One technique used by most corporations is a technique usually described as using â€Å"buzz words†, this is found more in print than is used on television or radio. If we are scrolling through a newspaper and we see an exciting flashy word, our eyes tend to draw towards it. Companies are entirely aware of this, so they flash words on us like, â€Å"Free,† †New.† †Hurry†. Something about these words makes us want to see what all the fuss is about, and to read the company’s ad. Now when you do read the ad, there will be â€Å"buzz words† embedded into he ad that do not even look flashy.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Dickens reveals Essay

Dickens reveals the extent of Pips moral decline when Joe comes to see him: Pip is far more arrogant and condescending. He hires a servant to announce Joe’s coming and dress himself up as well. He greets Joe with â€Å"Joe, how are you Joe? † very haughtily because Joe repeats it as Pip said it – â€Å"Pip, how AIR you Pip? † Joe is completely thrown and does not know how to react to the furnishings, decor, clothes and aura that Pip obviously thinks a gentleman should have. Pip regards Joe’s table manners with great disdain and embarrassment in front of Herbert as Joe â€Å"sat so far from the table, and dropped so much more than he ate, and pretended that he hadn’t dropped it† Dickens is showing how egotistical Pip has become because it wasn’t so long ago that he had exactly the same manners. Pip feels â€Å"impatient of him and out of temper with him. † Joe also notices Pip’s change and is aware of the gulf that is growing between them, Joe knows he’s â€Å"wrong in these clothes†¦ out of the forge†¦ the kitchen, or of th’marshes. † Joe doesn’t belong in Pip’s clothes in the same way that Pip doesn’t belong in his old world. By this time Pip is at the height of his self-important, arrogant, smug life. In Chapter 34 Dickens presents the start of Pip’s gradual moral recovery, although this is slow to begin as Pip and Herbert join the Finches of the Grove, a very expensive gentleman’s club who dined luxuriously and â€Å"spent a lot of money as we could, and got as little for it as people could make their minds up to give us†. They had no purpose apart from self gratification. Pip finally understands as he gets more and more into debt the effect this is having on Herbert: â€Å"My lavish habits led his easy nature into expenses he could not afford, corrupted the simplicity of his life and disturbed his peace with anxieties and regrets† As Pip grows accustomed to his great expectations he’s not comfortable and battles with his conscience over actions and feelings towards Joe and Biddy; he becomes wistful for his old life and thinks: â€Å"With a weariness on my spirit, that if I should have been happier and better if I had never seen Miss Havisham’s face, and had risen to manhood content to be partners with Joe in the honest old forge† He yearns for the forge fire instead of his fire in his gentlemanly residence, and wants Joe and his old life back although does little to achieve this. In contrast Dickens himself did not inherit his wealth but publicly strived and worked hard to achieve his goals, in fact one of the factors of his death was over working and so possibly didn’t approve of the idle rich’s lavish lives and spending. Dickens uses Magwitch’s revelation and Pip’s reaction to show Pip’s moral degeneration. When Pip first discovers that his benefactor is not Miss Havisham but Magwitch the convict he is aghast, he â€Å"seemed to be suffocating† such was the â€Å"abhorrence† of him and â€Å"the repugnance with which I shrank from him. † Pip has to swallow the bitter pill that his rise to the status of gentleman was caused by someone so low in society, and that cost him his relationship with Joe. He feels guilty and full of shame, but maybe if Pip was less concerned about his social status he would have been more sympathetic to the habits and needs of Magwitch. However, the convict holds power over Pip because Magwitch is his benefactor, its Magwitch’s money that has funded Pip’s life of comfort and luxury and Pip has become totally dependant on that money and in turn on the convict: â€Å"I began fully to know how wrecked I was, and how the ship in which I sailed was gone to pieces. † In Pip’s conversation with Herbert, following the revelation by Magwitch, Pip displays the growing awareness of his failings: â€Å"I am heavily in debt, very heavily for me, who have now no expectations and I have been bred to no calling, and I am fit for nothing. † Pip’s attitude now changes to Miss Havisham when he learns that she is no longer his benefactor and that she has hurt him on purpose in her attempt to antagonise her relatives. He becomes direct in talking to Miss Havisham and wants to know the truth and is quite confrontational – â€Å"when I fell into the mistake I have so long remained in, at least you led me on? † He questions Miss Havisham pushing her to admit that she deceived him and we now see that he is willing to stand up for what he believes and not be just a passive victim. Estella reports to him that she will be married to Drummle, Pip’s enemy, and at first he is grief-stricken but then he becomes earnest and selfless (the moral qualities of a gentleman) putting her happiness before his own, and pleading with her that she marry someone worthy of her, but not Drummle. Finally he blessed her in which ever path she takes and this is very thoughtful and generous of him, he asks her â€Å"don’t take him, and I can bear it better, for your sake. † Pip discovers that Molly is Estella’s mother and Magwitch is he father so it is ironic that her background is very similar in status to the life he was tempted away from. Despite the breeding of Estella and Miss Havisham they both chose in Drummle and Compeyson to marry men with none of the moral qualities that a gentleman should have. Pip is so concerned for Magwitch that he and his companions put together an escape plan, Pip’s willingness to do anything to save his friend who has â€Å"changed and softened† as much as Pip has is very clear and yet another attribute of a gentleman that Pip has gained. The reality of their situation is very obvious to Pip and â€Å"I thought of the night of his return when our places were reversed, and when I little supposed my heart could ever be as heavy and anxious at parting from him as it was now† All Pip’s repugnance of Magwitch has gone and in its place is love, care and compassion for a friend and father figure, virtues not apparent when Pip was rich with wealth but not morals. He stays with Magwitch after they are caught instead of trying to separate himself from the criminal character which used to disturb him so much at the height of his expectations. â€Å"In holding the hand that he stretched forth to me†, despite Magwitch’s request for Pip to disassociate with him at the trial, Pip shows his true morals by vowing to stay by his side. Pip publicly displays his support to his friend and doesn’t care who sees it or who doesn’t; all that matters to him is Magwitch. While caring for the sick convict in prison Pip waits out side before visiting hours and is allowed, by the guards, to stay after hours with Magwitch, which shows that event the guards who don’t know Pip, are touched by his behaviour. After Magwitch’s death Pip falls ill from the stress and Dickens uses the imagery of the fever burning away any snobbery and negative areas of gentlemanliness that hasn’t been removed already; this is a real push forward in Pips moral recuperation. He refers to Joe, who is caring for him, as â€Å"a gentle Christian man† and this implies what Dickens thought a gentleman should be: a man with Christian standards and morals at his centre. Pip is so overwhelmed by Joe’s kindness and feeling that he doesn’t deserve to have it, he demands that Joe: â€Å"look angry at me. Strike me, Joe, tell me of my ingratitude. Don’t be so good to me. † When Pip is well again he travels back to the marshes to marry Biddy, but he finds Joe and Biddy happy on their wedding day. He is happy for them instead of angry or depressed and is relieved that he never mentioned proposing to Biddy to Joe. Dickens uses Pip’s reaction to Joe and Biddy’s wedding day to portray the extent of Pip’s moral growth. This further reinforced Pip’s selflessness and there fore even more personal moral improvement. In my opinion Dickens wanted to Pip to continue moving forwards with and his new life with Herbert, his job in the east instead of moving backwards to the marshes and forge after his hard-learnt transition. At the end of the novel Pip has a new sense of purpose in his new life with Herbert and a new job, his values now are genuine and honest. When Pip comes back to the forge eleven years on he finds that Joe and Biddy have had a son who is called Pip after him, underlining that Pip has turned onto a well respected gentleman in the moral sense. Big Pip takes Little Pip to the church yard and this is exactly the same turn of events that Big Pip experienced all those years ago. It symbolises a new beginning for Little Pip and that Big Pip will take the place of Magwitch as a guardian angel and second father to Little Pip just like Magwitch was to him. It is ironic that at the start of the novel that Pip was repulsed by the convict but now at the end of the novel he loves him and is taking on Magwitch’s role and persona. Dickens again presents the image of Satis house has being torn down to symbolise the end of Pips moral diversity. Dickens uses the ivy as a symbol of Pip’s new start in the east and his reassessed morals. Like the ivy, Pip â€Å"had struck root anew and was growing green on low quiet mounds of ruin† Another new beginning is Pip being reunited with Estella, in the previous era she was untouchable even with Pip’s money and luxurious life, but now Estella has understood that being a gentleman is not all about money but about the good morals and experience that Pip has developed through out the novel. I feel that at the end Pip is a real gentleman, but in today’s standards, he values love, friendship, sincerity and kindness more than social status, he is living a life of his own making and that he earns honestly. He was only a gentleman in Victorian, upper-class eyes when he had great wealth and expensive habits and didn’t necessarily have any standards. This gives us an indication that although Dickens was a Victorian he thought that a gentleman should be like the later Pip and he presents and demonstrates this view by the way he presents Pip’s moral development during the novel in the relations between Pip, Joe, and Magwitch.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Content Domain Of Interest - 1630 Words

In order to determine the content domain of any given test, the developer needs to first define the construct that they wish to measure and then identify specific content that contains their domain of interest. To do this, a literature search and source materials are often located so that the developer can sample appropriate content from the materials (Griffith, 2017). As part of the methods used in this case, the reliability material was research using two sources of content: (1) the class textbook called Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues (Kaplan Saccuzzo, 2013); and (2) the lecture from the third week of class on reliability (Griffith, 2017). These two sources of content were selected primarily because they†¦show more content†¦The Process by Context Matrix in this case is made up of two sources of information by which the content area would be sampled, including chapter 4 of the class textbook entitled Psychological Testing: Principles, Applicat ions, and Issues (Kaplan Saccuzzo, 2013) and the class lecture on reliability from the third week of the semester (Griffith, 2017) as both of these sources discussed the concept of reliability in detail. From there, the Process by Content Matrix was used to select and formulate the exact number of question items that not only complied with the items of knowledge, principle, and application but were drawn specifically from only these two sources to ensure fairness and validity in testing according to the assigned materials this class for this specific semester. More importantly, the Process by Content Matrix relays a framework or outline of the necessary content and sources required to effectively and systematically develop the test items to measure the concept that is meant to be tested, thereby improving the overall reliability as well. Please refer to Appendix A for more information on the matrix used in the development of this particular test on the concept of reliability. Item Development Although the item writing process in content-valid test development can be a rather difficult, there are a number of things to keep in mind during the itemShow MoreRelatedThe Danielson Framework For Teaching1378 Words   |  6 Pagesto the INTASC standards, and grounded in a constructivist view of learning and teaching. The complex activity of teaching is divided into 22 components (and 76 smaller elements) clustered into four domains of teaching responsibility† Each component defines a different aspects of its respective domain. 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